青年代理人奖 & 会议

2023 IA&B青年代理大会

Over 130 young insurance professionals gathered in Lancaster, PA on Oct. 2023年3-4日,IA回归&B的年轻经纪人会议. 座无虚席的活动包括为期两天的高能量演讲, 实践研讨会, and networking opportunities — all with the goal of developing young insurance agents into successful leaders.   

The only conference designed for young insurance professionals in PA, MD, 和德.


周二,10月. 3

星期三,10月. 4

会话 & 演讲者:


Workshop: High Performance Culture: 5 Commitments that create Raving Fans

Jimmy Page, Be挡不住的总裁

Discover how to develop the internal DNA that produces the mindset, 韧性和习惯导致成功 & 充实的生活.
Workshop: High Performance Culture: 5 Commitments that Create Raving Fans
Discover the specific commitments to make and actions to take to level-up your professionalism, 沟通, 解决冲突, 执行, 以及客户满意度.
吉米: Jimmy is the creator of the Be Unstoppable life and 领导 system. A His mission is to inspire you to live the unstoppable life – unleashing your best in every way. 健康专家, 斯巴达式的运动员, 播客, 前高管, he frequently speaks at conferences and businesses in every industry. He is a regular contributor to the Christian Post and has been featured on CBS News, 福克斯纽约, 快速公司, 在很多杂志上, 报纸,播客, 还有广播节目.



Bobbie Lynn Fernandez, AIS – 保险 销售 and Customer Service Consultant

Session: Thriving in the 保险 Hard Market: Become Your Clients’ Hard Market Hero
This seminar is designed to equip insurance professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and excel in the challenging hard market. Participants will learn strategies and techniques to not only survive but thrive in this environment and become a trusted advisor and hero to their clients. Participants will develop the expertise needed to effectively manage risks, 谈判费用, 并为客户提供卓越的价值.
Session: 利基导航:掌握吸引市场的艺术
This course is designed to help young insurance professionals develop the skills and knowledge necessary to identify and create a niche market within the insurance industry. Participants will learn the importance of targeting a specific market segment and how to tailor their products, 服务, 以及满足该细分市场独特需求的营销策略. Agents will gain the tools and insights needed to differentiate themselves and succeed in their insurance careers.
博比: Bobbie brings over 20 years of insurance industry knowledge to her role as a performance coach. 通过她的背景, she has an intimate understanding of the challenges and rewards in all aspects of insurance sales. Bobbie currently uses her skills as a process analyst and problem solver to lead insurance agencies through transition and bring teams to new heights of success.



Just when we think we have things figured out, a curve ball gets thrown our way. In our current environment, finding new business opportunities seems a daunting task. 好消息是人们仍然需要你的产品或服务. The better news is some of the same tactics and strategies that may have been used in the past can help us in the future. This seminar is We’ll explore the key steps in establishing a prospecting process and creating a system to identify opportunities regardless of the environment.
格雷格: Greg is the owner and president of Sandler Training and a certified DISC instructor. He and his team use a different approach to build organizational excellence in sales, 领导, 通过确定正确的态度进行沟通, 行为, 以及成功的技巧. 在桑德勒之前,格雷格在“公司”工作了20多年. 然而, he decided to leave it all behind and start his own company to help local businesses build their excellence and elevate performance.



Artificial intelligence (AI) is a leading topic of conversation in our industry; but no one focuses on how to apply AI practically within our independent agencies. Let’s change the narrative together and develop an understanding of the value of AI while determining where it fits. 我们将探讨:
  • 人工智能为何一夜成名.
  • The risks and benefits we must consider establishing proper guide rails for our industry
  • 这些解决方案正在影响着今天的机构
  • 如何采用和部署适合您的工具
杰森: 杰森领导机构革命, which provides a suite of digital marketing solutions and a proactive service team that help agencies sell and retain clients. 以前, 他花了十多年时间联系各机构, 航空公司, 通过他的咨询公司Agency Insurtech, 代理技术目录保险Playground.作为Smart Harbor的联合创始人. 经常在行业演讲, 他是Smart 50创新奖的获得者, 影响, 和稳定性.
IA的&B青年代理大会 and 青年代理人奖 are made possible thanks to the generous support of our sponsors.
成为这个奖项和活动不可或缺的一部分! 提供有限的赞助. 看看我们的赞助包吧.
下载: 赞助机会信息



神的恩赐,神的恩赐,神的恩赐. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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800-998-9644, ext. 512

2023 IA&B青年经纪人奖


请注意,2023年提名期已于6月13日结束. 获奖者将于7月21日前通知&B公司将于10月30日公开宣布获奖者. 3. 
保险代理人 & 经纪人(IA&B) has developed this prestigious award that identifies and recognizes rising stars in the independent insurance agent community in PA, MD, 和德.

Three young agents, one from each state, are selected by a panel of judges.


提名表格递交日期: 2023年6月13日(周二)下午4:30
赢家通知: 到2023年7月21日,星期五
官方声明: 外胎,10月. 3, 2023


获胜者的正式宣布将在北京奥运会上公布 2023 IA&B青年特工会议在兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州周二,10月. 3. 同时还将在社交媒体上发布一段视频.


  • 必须是有执照的P&C代理.
  • 受雇于保险业监督一年或以上&PA、MD或DE的成员.
  • 10月10日年龄在40岁或以下的人. 1, 2023.
  • 通过志愿服务或服务为社区做出贡献.
  • 这是该领域新兴领导者地位的一个例子.
  • 参与IA&B事件、电竞竞猜比较正规的或其他事件.


  • 在2023年的IA&B 10月青年代理会议. 3 & 4在宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特.  IA&B支付注册费、住宿费和差旅费.
  • 在IA上播放的获奖视频&B网站和社交媒体,并在青年代理大会上展示.
  • IA的专题封面和采访&《电竞竞猜比较正规的》,10月. 2023年,年轻特工版.
  • 与保险业监督会面&B董事会于8月9日星期二举行会议. 宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡15岁. 注意:IA&B包括差旅费.
  • 奖斑块 & 其他IA&B赃物.


  • 必须能自如地进行公开演讲.
  • Keep award honors under wraps and confidential until the official IA&B在IA的公告&10月3日举行青年代理会议.
  • 周二前往宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡.8月. 15、拍照、录采访、见内务部&B板.
  • 参加IA会议&B 10月青年代理会议. 3 & 4在兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州,并成为小组讨论的一部分. 注意:IA&B支付所有的旅费、住宿费和注册费.
  • 为未来的年轻特工活动提供指导和意见.

搬家公司 & 瓶的类别

The nomination pool continues to grow each year, and the quality of candidates is exceptional. 因此,我们增加了一个新的识别级别:推动者和震动者. We are spotlighting this additional group of young professionals who are moving the independent insurance agency network forward. 搬家公司 & 震动队是从青年经纪人奖提名中选出的. 在评委确定获奖者后,他们将选出推动者 & 瓶.


  • 在2023年的IA&B 10月青年代理会议. 3 & 4在宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特. IA&B包括会议注册费.
  • 获保险业认可&《电竞竞猜比较正规的》,10月. 2023年,年轻特工版.
  • 奖斑块 & 其他IA&B赃物.

对搬运工的要求 & 瓶

  • Keep award honors under wraps and confidential until the official IA&B在IA的公告&10月3日举行青年代理会议.



神的恩赐,神的恩赐,神的恩赐. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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800-998-9644, ext. 606

机械堡,PA 17055
免费: 800-998-9644
传真: 717-795-8347
电子邮件: IAB@IABforME.com
版权所有2022保险代理人 & 经纪人. 版权所有. 隐私政策 | 免责声明


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